Cuiling zhangPh.D, L.Ac, L.OM
Dr. Cuiling Zhang (or Dr. Z), Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac), Licensed Oriental Medicine Practitioner (L.OM), practices acupuncture and herbal medicine in Pennsylvania. Dr. Z was a Medical Doctor or referred to as an Oriental Medical Doctor (OMD) in China.
Dr. Z received her Bachelor’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China in 1990, and later received her Doctoral degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the same university, which is one of the top ranking Chinese Medicine schools in the nation. She held the position of Oriental Medicine associate chief physician at Yunlong Hospital; Director of Chinese Medicine department at Bengbu Medical College. Dr. Z came to the U.S. in 2011 and did research at University of Pittsburgh (UPMC Liver Cancer Center; Musculoskeletal Research Center in the Department of Bioengineering). Later she passed the NCCAOM exam in the U.S. and became a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac) and Licensed Oriental Medicine Practitioner (L.OM) in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Z has abundant teaching experience and clinical experience in Acupuncture; Herbal Medicine; Cupping and Moxibustion. Dr. Z not only treats patients to relieve their conditions, but also gives them advice to adopt more balanced lifestyles.